The healthiest version of yourself

Have you ever wondered how your health really is and how you can live healthier? Find out with our services.

34 products

Free LIFE or PLUS membership when purchasing one of our services.*

*Free PLUS membership with a purchase of €200.00 or more

Leadlife LIFE Membership, Price: €29.99 per year.
Benefits: Health dashboard, Personal data vault, Expert sharing, Up-to-date surveys, Personalized recommendations, New articles, Product catalog.
Leadlife PLUS Membership, Price: €119.99 per year.
Benefits: Health dashboard, Personal data vault, Expert sharing, Up-to-date surveys, Personalized recommendations, New articles, Product catalog, Wearable connection, Expert chat, Learning modules.

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Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 808 C12
9000 Gent / België